A2 Genetics: What is it & What does it mean for our milk?

Did you know we have been breeding our cows with exclusively A2 genetics for 10 years?! New to A2? Here is the quick and dirty.

A1 and A2 refer to types of protein in milk. Originally cows had only A2 protein making up their milk. There are a couple of different theories, but the most likely one is that as cows milk became more popular and people started selling fluid milk, farmers started to breed cows that had both A1 and A2 proteins because these cows produce more milk...think Holsteins. However, the A1 protein has been linked to stomach upset, inflammation, and a variety of other health ailments. Some think that what was deemed “lactose intolerance” could actually be a reaction to the A1 protein and not lactose at all! Why? The A2 protein is more comparable to human breast milk, goats, sheep, and buffalo milk. Simply put, it’s more easily digested by us humans!

We believe in creating the most healthful milk possible so we continue to be certified organic, mostly grass fed, and breeding to convert our herd to 100% A2. This means you can rest assured that you're getting cheeses that are packed with healthy Omega 3 fats, A2 protein that is more easily digested, minerals from a grass fed diet, and healthy rind bacteria that supports your gut health. Cheese sometimes gets a bad rap and honestly, non-organic industrial made cheeses should for a multitude of reasons! But when you eat our cheese you are eating a highly nutritious food.

We also believe that cows shouldn’t be pushed to produce the most amount of milk possible. We know that that puts unnecessary stress on animals so we feed a diverse diet, very little grain, let our cows get lots of exercise and thus they make less milk than many dairies but we believe their lives are better and their milk is healthier and tastier!